The anti-grain approach is not permanent, and goes beyond wheat and gluten issues

I have been promoting an anti-grain approach since my efforts started back in 2005.  Although not everyone has wheat sensitivities, wheat has been a core focus of late due to the evidence that is constantly building making a case against wheat above all other grains, and for reasons that we need to be aware of and take into consideration in our overall pro-health efforts.

It is well established and a popular stance of late that some people, and perhaps even everyone on some level has a gluten sensitivity.  Gluten sensitivity goes far beyond wheat, even into oats under certain types of manufacturing conditions.

This gluten exposure can affect our intestinal villi to a degree where we may have less of an ability to uptake our nutrients from our foods, and if this is happening we may actually CRAVE more foods in an effort to obtain the nutrition our bodies need.

But why does it seem that this anti-wheat, anti-gluten position is a relatively new one in terms of western societies industrial food development over the past century?

Is it just about the refining of this grain, separating it into its flour component, and thereby also creating an elevated sugar level in the digestive process that is then leading to our elevated blood sugar levels and conversion into body fat?

I do believe so, at least in part.

But of much greater concern to me is the health issues now being associated with yeast-type antibodies possibly being generated from wheat consumption, as well as the studies showing wheat’s impact on brain cells, and how…only in my opinion…this could all boil down to the genetically modified wheats since the mid-90‘s that are the underlying cause of all of these problems.

It is a tough issue.  Wheat has a long history as a food source.  I do consume it as a cheat food, but in limited quantities which I explain in my program.  But it is the health concerns above the fat loss concerns that trouble me the most.